izcils līdzeklis smadzeņu darbības stimulēšanai80 tabletes. Sastāvā arī ekstrakts.Lietot: pa 1-2 tabletes divas reizes dienā pirms ēšanas, uzdzerot ūdeni.
best Ayurvedic female elixir, stimulates lactation.herb powder and extract Take: 2-3 capsules a day on an empty stomach with warm milk or water. It is desirable to add a little melted butter to the milk.
Tonic for Liver, blood vessels and spleen. Hepatoprotective. Liverons, 60 tablets / capsules
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Contributes to the normalization of digestive and excretory systems, production of digestive enzymes. It is used for flatulence, loss of appetite, abdominal cramps, Anorexia